CelebrationsSeptember 25, 2020by admin0

8. 5 Years of Indibni- साढ़े आठ, दाल बाटी चूरमा के साथ

Hi folks, this is me, Indi, your friendly-neighborhood Indi. Pretty ‘Indie’ (pun intended) name right? Anyways, thanks, that’s what everybody calls me around here and I like it too. So here is another once-upon-a-time tale for you all to savor. Enjoy! 

As the motivational speaker Michael Altshuler once said, ‘The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” And so on 20th of September, when Indibni turned eight and a half years old, we decided to add something ‘Indie’ to this already famous quote, that is – “once in a while why not  put your flight on an ‘autopilot mode’ and celebrate your fly and heights you have reached till date, together, as a team, with your loved ones?” And thereby, Keeping this in our hearts, we kickstarted the celebration with a bang.

Now don’t tell us that you do not remember the lyrics of this legendary song. Come let’s sing along:

 हँसते-हँसते कट जाए रस्ते

ज़िंदगी यूँ ही चलती रहे

खुशी मिले या गम

बदलेंगे ना हम  

दुनिया चाहे बदलती रहे

Alright, alright, let’s cut some slack here, that’s fine even if you can not recall it exactly. Not all of us are hardcore lyricist but can mutter our way along with the rhythm, right?

Did you know this song resides in Indibni’s soul? Yes, it does. Allows us to confess that it was not all a bed of roses, sometimes it was like a kite dancing in a hurricane and at other times it was like a soothing breeze falling on your face. So vivid of an experience! And yet without losing our valor, we overcame every challenge fighting as a Spartan would. Yeah, the song played on a loop in the background, hehe!. At Indibni we do not just focus on huge revenue growth but also work upon building strong relationships and a sense of belongingness with all our clientele and the crew members. And we believe that’s the secret recipe behind our growth.  

To make this celebration memorable we gave it a touch of Daal-baati-churma. Yes, you are guessing it, right. The finger-licking, delectable Rajasthani dish. The thali featured some mouth-watering daal, crispy ghee loaded baati, and flavorsome churma filled with delicious raisins and nuts. Kadhi-chawal, Mirchi-ke-tipore, aloo-pyaz-mirch-ke-pakode, and chutney were like the cherry on the cake. The feast came out to be so satisfactory that we eventually had to skip dinner because we ate so much. 

As we approached the finale of the celebration that we did not want to ever end, it was time to give credit where credit was due: “Appreciating the efforts is the best motivation,” is something which the founders of Indibni, Mr. Nitin Jain, and Mr. Ankit Jain have believed since the inception of Indibni. Together they acknowledged the efforts of the employees. who had completed more than 500 days with Indibni. Certificates were presented to the following employees for their stellar performance- 

  • Om Prakash Bairwa – Mug Heating(TL)
  • Dharamraj Bairwa- Digital Print(TL)
  • Ramdev Bairwa -Cushion Heating(TL)
  • Max Gothwal- Inventory(TL)
  • Ramnath Bairwa- Order Process(TL)
  • Kapil Belani- Sales Manager 
  • Shailesh Saini- Senior Graphic Designer 
  • Akhilesh Panwar- Head of Innovation 
  • Akash Sharma- Production Manager
  • Yash Jangir- Assistant Dispatch Manager 
  • Puneet Hada- Assistant Inventory Manager 
  • Urvashi Saurabh Dixit- Head of Production 

Indeed, it was a momentous day for all of us. And it goes without saying that how it all made us a bit nostalgic recalling the moments, as compared to the bigger gathering we had last year. Aside from all the fun, we made sure that all the guidelines issued by the government and WHO were stringently abided while celebrating the occasion. 

When prompted to share at least one thing that the members liked about Indibni, many quoted, “we found it as our second home, full of infectious smiles, energetic, friendly and creative bunch of individuals.” Others said, “Working with Indibni gives you a lot more than just a job, it provides you with a friendly environment, right guidance, satisfaction and growth at a personal and professional level both.” ‘Ganga Ram Ji ke haatho ka bana khana’ made it to the list as well. The journey which started with just five passionate and ignited minds, is now a family of more than fifty people,  expanding their business all over the nation.

It’s time to say goodbye. Oh, man! How much I dread goodbyes. But don’t you worry, Indi will be back soon with some freshly baked mischief to share with ‘you lot’. And as Tony Stark once quoted in the Iron man series, ‘Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.” Now we think the time has arrived when Indibni takes off to the sky and starts flying. What do you say – are you onboard? Wink, wink.

See you soon.

Yours sarcastically,


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