CultureAugust 31, 2019by admin0


 “Talents win games, but teamwork and Intelligence Win Championships” – Michael Jordan

Team activities are a great way to facilitate bonding with team members, reduce employee stress, and give them a chance to know their colleagues outside the office. On the last Saturday of August, a monthly activity was organized. We all headed to Jawahar Circle for the activity and we all were excited to know what was planned for the day.

Nitin Jain, Co-founder, Indibni said“Monthly activities are a great way to bring the whole team together, where the gap between individuals is lessened and juniors take the leadership along with interactive, fun-filled discussions”

The whole Indibni team was divided into 4 teams for the game. The game was between 2-2 teams and whichever team wins, the finals will be held between them. The game was to balance the balloons in between the individuals by the whole team standing in a line. There was an equal path assigned for both the teams and whichever completes first wins.

The game was fun and needed coordination and planning from the teams. Everybody made their strategies and started the game on the call of START. The strategies were from standing height-wise, walking together on the call of 1-2 to going slow in the starting and then boosting the power.

It was a powerful activity to bring the team members together and go in one beat to achieve victory. The winner was declared followed by the celebration.

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” – Phil Jackson

After the game, we all went for a group photo to capture the beautiful memories followed by snacks and ice creams in the humid weather. The birthday cards along with gifts were also given to the employees for August.

We as a family shared laughter, strategies, and fun together. Every monthly activity ends with smiling faces and excitement – what will happen in the next monthly activity?



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